NEW model parenting plan

new model partenting plan available this vFAS model parenting plan can be of great help to you
Getting a divorce or separating is a challenging situation. It has major impact on you as well as your children. Since 2009, parents have been legally required to draw up a signed parenting plan together. The parenting plan model of the Dutch Association of Family and Inheritance Law Attorneys and Mediators (vFAS) is an efficient guide when making agreements about post-divorce parenting duties.

Geen opgeslagen configuratie gevonden

Get started, complete the form and take it with you to your vFAS lawyer-mediator! Even if you need help completing the form, he or she will be happy to help you FURTHER.

First read the brochure explaining the parenting plan; click HERE.

Click HERE for the model parenting plan if you have one child.

Click HERE for the model parenting plan if you have more children.

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